Call for Emergency Response Experts

Dutch version – lees deze oproep in het Nederlands

Campus Vesta – the institution where the crisis intelligence initiative originally initiated – is looking for people who are passionately involved in emergency planning, emergency management or emergency response activities. We invite you to join a pool of experts as part of an innovative European research & development project involving the smart, combined use of satellite imagery, social media data (images, videos, text) and crowdsourcing campaigns.


Your commitment would range from a couple of minutes (short creative exercise in an online survey) to participating in a European workshop (full day).


As a team of five experts related to Campus Vesta, we’re part of the E2mC consortium which is currently building prototypes for new and improved services in the European Copernicus Emergency Management Service (EMS) portfolio. In these prototypes the consortium is adding novel social media analysis capacities (crawling, geolocation, machine learning, …) and crowdsourcing capabilities (assessing damage, providing translations to algorithms, crowdmapping, crowdtasking, …) to increase the timeliness, actionability and overall quality of the EMS services. These services range from rapid mapping and recovery mapping after disasters, extreme weather conditions, landslides, etc. to flood awareness, forest fire information, and more.


A Belgian example of maps resulting from these services can be found here. Dutch ones here and here. In a nutshell, the E2mC project looks at using social media data and crowdsourcing to enrich these output materials, making actionable emergency information available for various involved organisations and affected communities in a more timely and interactive manner.



We’re asking for your help to identify, define and explore possible elements, data, modules, etc. of these prototyped new services that are useful and practical for your particular function in the emergency response chain. For example, focusing on a single city, area or member state, or a single emergency discipline, …

  • … Think accurate maps, satellite data, social media images, data enriched by a crowd of digital volunteers. In which forms would these be helpful in your emergency related activities?
  • If a large scale emergency situation hits your city, area, province or member state, would you benefit from access to a social & crowd map of the area? Which (kind of) data on such an interactive map would be especially useful?
  • At that point, what would your coordination teams consider as information needs/gaps. Which information, either captured on social media and/or collected by ground teams or local communities would give you a better view on the situation?
  • Regarding social media data and crowdsourcing campaigns, what needs to be taken into account when developing platforms and separate modules in order to be practical and useful for your coordination teams?


If you are as intrigued by these questions as us, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Tim rightaway to learn more about opportunities to join our panel of experts.

on Twitter or LinkedIn
or by e-mail: timvan [at] chte [dot] gent


The Campus Vesta team in this project is composed of: Bert Brugghemans, Tim Van Achte, Kenny Meesters, Yves D’Eer and Kathleen Van Heuverswyn.

The E2mC Project is co-funded by the European commission / H2020 Programme / Grant Agreement No. 730082

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